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duchamp, inc. is a boutique music publisher and administrator, founded by Erik Gilbert in 2003.

We work with a wide range of artists including Erin McKeown, Aster Aweke, Raz Mesinai, Rozi Plain, Fujiya & Miyagi, The Submarines, Estate of Les Baxter, Lilla Shy, Martha & the Muffins, Make Friends, Lazy Habits, Mary Epworth, Tom Bright, Victoria & Jean, Paul Masvidal, Brian Olive, & Josh Ritter.

In addition to a number of artists & writers, Duchamp also admins and/or sub-publishes OTH Songs, Inc., 8th Dimension, Brassland Projects, Claremont 56, District 6 Music Publishing, Funnel Music, Konic Records, Melodic Ltd, Night Owl Collective, Pennies From Heaven, Pop Guru and Shadow Cabinet.

Duchamp, inc | music publishing | duchamp.tv - 8DSync

Duchamp, inc | music publishing | duchamp.tv - 8DSync

Duchamp, inc | music publishing | duchamp.tv - Brassland Projects

Duchamp, inc | music publishing | duchamp.tv - Claremont 56

Duchamp, inc | music publishing | duchamp.tv - District 6 Music Publishing

Duchamp, inc | music publishing | duchamp.tv - Funnel Music